Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tsubasa Ending.

Well the day has finally come, sad really. Tsubasa is now officially over. Today is the ending of the publication of the books, all 28 volumes are now complete. All i can hope now is that Tsubasa and/or Cardcaptor gets crossed over into another CLAMP manga or their in their own story once again. I just cant get enought of Syaoran and Sakura their just so darn adorable. Now to actually read Tsubasa xD. Cause after 1 year of not watching the anime i have completly forgotten on what episode i was one, or even which season. At least i have that to look forward to =)
[Dedicated to Terry: Happy Birthday!! <3]

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tsubasa Chronicle vol.4 & xxxHolic vol.1

Again today i went manga shopping :D. I'm planning to buy books every weekend i work lol. Today i got Tsubasa RESERVior CHRoNiCLE vol.4 and xxxHolic vol.1. I was about to get vol.5 of Tsubasa instead of xxxHolic but since the plot lines have a lot to do with each other or so ive heard im going to try to read both series simultaneously. xxxHolic seems good so far i like Tsubasa's art better or maybe I'm just a sucker for Shaoran and Sakura ever since i watched Cardcaptor Sakura <3 Well so far I'm a little behind on my reading and i haven't read Tsubasa vol.3 yet. Heck i still haven't read the chapters i need to do my homework for yet, and i got a math project coming up. Ill start reading Tsubasa again once i finish the last 3 chapters of Onegai Twins!! -Sigh, i wonder when I'll get a chance-

Sunday, October 4, 2009

InuYasha Kanketsu-Hen "The Final Act"

Some of you may know, yesterday was the release of InuYasha Kankestsu-Hen. I'm so happy they finally continued it. Sucks that it wont be at least subbed for awhile [even though it gives me time to rewatch it] BUT i found the opening <3 For somereason stupid blogger isn't letting me post the link.[Gomenasai] This is for all you people out there who care! [Unlike someone...-coughs- sally =3=] INUYASHA <3

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Onegai Twins

Today i finally finished Onegai Twins!!. [Please Twins!!] Took me long enough, I blame school work. I had already watched Onegai Twins once before but decided to re-watch it when i found out about the prequel/spin-off Onegai Teacher!!. After watching both I'd say i prefer Onegai Teacher. As for the plot their kinda silly, In Onegai Teacher Kei Kusanagi is an 18 year old who looks 15 and is still in highschool. The reason being is that he suffers from a disease called With-Draw that when he is depressed he just stops. Things start to change when he encounters an alien and then later finds out thats the same female alien is his new teacher. Various things happen and they end up marring to keep her secret and find themselves in many difficult situations trying to hide their marriage while truly falling in love at the same time. As for Onegai Twins its about 3 orphans with the same photo of their childhood. Problem is, theres only two people in the photo. With one of the two main girl characters being the relative and the other being the stranger they find themselves falling in love with the person who might or might not be their brother. The story takes place as the same setting as Onegai Teacher and most of the the supporting characters being the main characters from Onegai Teacher as well. All in all it's funny to see these stories mix[Not to mention the little space ship alien Marie showing up everywhere in both animes] as well as having their own plot line in tact. So with thoes out of the way all thats left is to read the manga for Onegai Twins which i suspect to be very identical to the anime like Onegai Teacher was and to move onto my next anime. I'm going to be rewatching InuYasha since the series is picking up again this month. I probably wont be able to finish them all in time but i want to rewatch the series before anything. Can't wait to watch it again after seeing it more than two years ago.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pigma Sensei Manga Set

Okay, Today i went out to Micheals, It's a craft store. I bought myself a few drawing pencils and this Pigma Sensei Manga kit [It was actually made in Japan how cool is that]. Truthfully I'm trying to focus on more realistic drawings at the moment other than cartoons because im trying to get accepted to this Design and Archetectual Senior High Magnet school. My old Art teacher reccomended it to me and im hoping to go. I got this kit for $13.99 like i said at Micheals and I'm hoping it will help on my drawings. The kit includes 4 drawing pens of different sized and a 0.7 lead pencil [which draws super smooth i might add]. I hope to maybe be posting some of my not nearly good at all drawings here on the blog. Depends if i like them lol. Hopefully my crazy friend Sally can give me her opinion on them.<3.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tsubasa Chronicle Volumes 2 & 3.

So this weekend i actually got paid for working at my family business. I had to wake up at 6 am but it was worth it. So since there was no school this past Monday i was able to go to Borders and get myself some manga! And if it wasn't that i wanted to save some money i would have wasted all of it. For about half and hour of indecision between two Tsubasa volumes or one Tsubasa Volume and a Kamichama Karin Chu book i choose Volumes 2 and 3 of Tsubasa. Im still halfway threw volume 2, and dont get me wrong if it wasn't for school work I would have been done with both on the same night. Since from now on i will be getting paid every weekend i work im hoping to at least buy 2 mangas per week. But im also glad im earning my money now, so i dont have to feel guilty about asking my parents when i rarly do. I'm also hoping to put up a picture of my manga collection soon on here and MAL [MyAnimeList]. Im waiting a little on that one since i dont have much manga, even thought i have an almost completed bookshelf just on manga.

Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles <3

Starting Otaku Sunshine

Okay, basically I'm avoiding homework at the moment and decided to create this new Blog spot. In here I'm just basically planning to review the Anime and Manga's im currently reading/watching and posts videos and links to my amv's that i sometimes make. I hope this is helpful to any of you, if not I'm still getting a distraction from all this. Thus Otaku Sunshine is created from procrastination!
As for the name i actually wanted to make it Otaku Girl, but it was taken. So i got inspiration from my Audition in game name which is --DayLight, and i came up with Otaku Sunshine. Which even thought i wasn't able to use my original idea of Otaku Girl i like Otaku Sunshine just as well. =)