Friday, June 25, 2010

Akuma na Eros (悪魔なエロス)

Ok, I've been reading manga like crazy lately. Probably cause I don't go outside my house for days at a time...
So while searching for things to read I came across this manga with a rather interesting name. The reason why I picked up on the name is because it reminded me of what Kazune-kun says when he is in kamika (Kamichama Karin).
At first when I read the summary it kinda turned me off. A highschooler named Sakurai Miu has a crush on the school's idol Amamiya Shion. Miu always prays to god that she will grow out of her childish features and her small chest, and prossibly capture Amaiya's heart. When all else fails she turns to this spell book she had bought at a second hand book store, and when she uses it who else will appear but Satan himself. I thought great another story about a girl falling in love with a demon, and although I thought this i still read it.
While it is true that she does fall in love with Akuma (Satan) at the end the plot offers so much more!
In the beginning for Akuma making Miu's wish of Amamiya falling in love with her a reality she has to pay a price, her virginity. In the end while she does fall in love with Akuma, he also truly falls in love with her as well.
There's a lot of things throughout the story that made my original opinion of this manga being a shoujo repition of other Satan/Demon mangas, wrong. Through the plot, this story turns into a fight between Heaven and Hell, justice, and ultimatly a battle for love.
As for the artwork, I think the guy's were drawn sexy, and Miu was drawn adorable. I loved how this mangaka made the character's look cute while they held a sense of reality and no chibiness. This to me was a great read, although it does have a bit of hentai which i dont really read. ;P

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kamichama Karin Chu♥ (かみちゃまかりん Chu♥)

Omg, comparing this to the other post's picture it looks like they've grown up so much. -Sniffsniff-
I'm also kinda sad that I'm finally finished with this series, like completely. But all thing's come to an end right?
Well to get started Kamichama Karin
Chu♥ is the sequel to Kamichama Karin. In this part of the story everything now seem's normal. They defeted Professor Karasuma, destroyed all the rings and saved both Himeka's right? Apparently no, after Kazune-kun returns from England him and Karin wake up to a child and three mysterious kitties on her bed! (Kazune-kun feel asleep on her bed people lol!). It appears that this child is Suzune, their child from the future! He come's with new Kamika ring's and a message from the future Karin to find the Three Honoured Gods.
And so a new adventure begin, but does the future hold something worse than they feared?
Alrite i absolutly l o v e this series and the sequel made me love it even more! There's much more romance between Karin and Kazune-kun for one thing, yay! There's always character's who are gone or new one's in sequal's and while Himeka was gone to England she was still back for half of the manga. Then there's Jin-kun a celebrity who is part of the Three Honoured Gods, Micchi is one of the character's who come's back also as one of the Honoured Gods. Then we also have Rika Karasuma, the other Himeka from the future, for a new character. Last but not least Karasuma Kirio (glasses man hehe), and Karasuma Kirika rerturn as well.
One thing i just loved about Chu♥ is how they show more of their pasts. They showed scenes with Professor Kuujou, Professor Karasuma & Suzuka Hanazono, i just adored thoes parts.
This sequal does get much more indepth with the research the Professor's had conducted on the Gods and about their past like i just said.
The addition of Jin-kun was also cute because since he has a thing for Karin, him and Kazune are always competing with each other. It's also funny how things repeat, because Karasuma, Kuujou and Suzuka had more or less the same type of relationship Jin, Kazune, and Karin now have.
By the way the little kid behind Kazune's leg is Suzune their child! Isn't he just adorable ne?~ <3 He looks just like his dad! But has Karin's eyes :]

Kamichama Karin (かみちゃまかりん)

I enjoyed re-reading this series so much! The reason i re-read it was because around 3 years ago when i started this series and continued on to the sequel Chu~, it was still incomplete. Then as always I got caught up with school and work and things so I'm finally finishing this series...three years later, lol.
かみちゃまかりん (Kamichama Karin or 'Little Goddess Karin')
This story is centered around Hanazono Karin an ordinary girl who isn't to good at sports, get's bad grades and find's comfort in her cat Shi-chan because she lives with an aunt due to her parents being dead, and her only memento of her mother is a ring. One day her precious Shi-chan dies, while visiting her cat's grave that's where this whole story begins. There she meet's Kuujou Kazune a handsome boy, who at first she thinks to be a prince but it turns out he's a chauvinistic jerk. She later becomes friends with his cousin Kuujo Himeka and that's when Karin start's learning about Kamika (God form) and the kamika rings, which her precious memento from her parents seem's to be also. Now Kazune and Karin protect Himeka with their Kamika against Karasuma Kirio who look's for the god research hidden inside Himeka, that belonged to Kazune's dad and Professor Karasuma.
My opinion of the manga vs. the anime is that the anime is better, due to facts that they are strings that are left untied which you figure out later in the sequal manga. For example already the begining of the Kamichama Karin anime show's you a glimps of chu, you also see Suzune who in the manga doesn't appear till the sequel. Also there's a part where Kazun-kun comes from the future, other than this the manga and anime are quite similar but i enjoyed those small mysteries that are discovered when you read the sequel.
All in all Kamichama Karin could probably be placed in my definite favorites. I entirely love the plot line, and maybe I'm a little biased because Greek Mythology is placed into the story but either way Love it~. Not to mention the transformations and attacks in the anime are short, thank god! It's not like 5 minutes of transforming, which i like. But like I said the mythology place's this story in my fave's, also the artwork is just kawaii! I mean the character's look so adorable and I just love their eye's, thumbs up to Koge-Donbo* (mangaka) I would love to be able to draw to her style.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ookami Nanka Kowakunai!? [Who is Afraid of Wolves!?]

Yes, another one-shot i know lol. In my defense i already read this one awhile back ago, had completely forgotten about it and found it on MAL again. Ookami Nanka Kowakunai is an interesting story about yes, two childhood friends Honda Moe and Himuro Kyo. The two of them used to be playmates when younger and Moe hadn't seen him in six years, till her dad transfers and she has to attend a new school where she find's Kyo again even though he acts cold to her. The only hitch is the school she transfered to used to be an all boy's school, and now she's the only female student. Yea that's gotta suck lol. So now she has to run from all the school's guys or 'wolves', if it wasn't for Kyo protecting her she'd be dead in that lawless school. (Lol, the part's where Moe runs from the guys during school kinda reminds me of the begining of Ranma 1/2 when Akane was always running from all the guys in the school, cept she did the fighting.)
Again yes, this is typical shoujo manga where they main characters are childhood friends, then one of the characters change over the years, but I love this plot twist! lol.
I mean she's the only girl in a school which used to be an all boy's school. She has to deal with all the perverted boys who have been limited from girls. Not to mention this school is completly lawless, no one listens to the teacher's and fight as they will. I also think it's kinda cute how they refer to all the guys as wolves (even though the really act like animals in the manga lol!) i love how in the end Kyo has a wolf tail :]

Sweet Black

A nice quick read, only one volume, which every now and then I find it nice to read a short manga. This one is pretty much classic shoujo standard. Haru is a short highschool girl who often get confused for a middle or elementary school kid, her childhood friend Sagiri is a tall hansome model. Four years previous the time the story is taking place Haru admired an international model called Jay. Sagiri being jealous becomes a model saying "I can acomplish anything." As Sagiri's work grew, Haru would only see him once a week when she would go to clean his apartment because of him being the slob he is. One day Sagiri decides that he is fed up with acting like the grown up he was trying to be and confesses his love for Haru. Although Haru is also in love with him, she keeps quiet due to the fact that she is seen as a child and does not fit the stylish, luxurious life Sagiri lives. What would also happen when she meets Jay, the model she admired for so long, at one of Sagiri's photo shoots? So how will the story end for these two childhood friends? Read it! Lol ;P
Although like i said it's pretty standard shoujo, it was cute, funny and entertaining. :]

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dengeki Daisy

Alrite quick review on this manga before bed. I actually found two very good pictures for this manga, I'm actually more fonder of the other one because it's cuter but i think i've developed some thing for guys with a cigarette in their mouths. o-o I seriously dont like people who smoke, I think the smell is nasty and hate breathing in air when people are smoking around me. But their's just something about anime guys with a cigarette that makes them look sexy! Lol. Ok, well to start that just from the discription of this manga i read on MAL (My Anime List) while searching for random things to read, it had already captivated me. I said to myself, I have to read this! And I am in no way dissapointed i choose to read this manga.
The plot starts out as this girl Teru Kurebayashi losses her brother. The only thing her brother left her with was a cell phone to contact a person called Daisy if she ever needed help. Since then Daisy has been her companion through the form of text's who comforts her and his words word as her will to move on. Then one day she accidentaly breaks a school window. Being poor and unable to pay for the window she if forced by the schools janitor (aka sexy cigarette guy ^^) Tasuku Kurosaki to be his slave and do his work for him. It is quite unknown to her though that the rude, obnoxious, short-tempered devil who makes her life torture is actually Daisy. Also that despite the fact that Kurosaki is a devil to her she starts to fall in love with him as she gets to know him better.
Right now i think i'm only half-way done with volume 2, but i'm so in love with this series! (hehe dosen't that always seem to happen? ;D)
What i seem to find interesting is how Kurosaki's and Teru's relationship will evolve. It is fairly obvious that Kurosaki is in love with Teru, and that Teru is actually starting to fall for him as well. But Teru just see's Daisy as a brother, little does she know the guy she's falling for is Daisy. Not only that but will Kurosaki's "work" or whatever secret he's in keep him from revealing his feeling's for Teru? Omagahh x.x I'm going to die if i have to wait till tomorrow to read, but i have to go to sleep sadly T.T my internet might get seriously cut off if not.
Hopefully i can post more of my thoughts on this series later on, hope i didnt spoil much also o-o.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Akkan Baby

4-20 am but i MUST do this review, or else this blogger will crumble. My mom's threatening to cut off my internet at the moment also x.x. Okay Well to start off SUMMER IS HERE!~ after two weeks of excruciating finals and teachers I finally finished school and passed Middle School. (High School Here I Come! T.T). I'm planning to get back into my Otaku phase soon, right now it's only been a week since summer ended. I've been mostly watching the 2010 FIFA, and playing MMO games x.x. WELL to the manga lol!
This manga is absolutely adorable, not to mention idiotic and yet serious at the same time. Teen Pregnancy, it's something that's becoming publicaly awared. It does happen and i do think that we should be exposed to these things, rather than people thinking "Oh if we dont say anything about it, it won't happen" WRONG it will! use this manga as proof. The two main characters Shigeru and Yuki are both 16 year old's in highschool, who are completly innocent to sex, and to make things worse what protection is. They think of sex as a game and see no wrong in it. They just begin to become aware of the seriousness of their problem as Shigeru becomes pregnant and they have to face all the obstacles that stand in their way of having this baby instead of choosing an abortion. That is one reason why i love this manga, it show's how people really should treat a teen pregnancy. Having the baby, the guy not runnning out on the girl i might add, finishing school, and getting married. Truthfully the real world isn't like this and i guess people should learn from this manga example. Well the point is while this story does have it's seriousness, it is utterly hilarious and is a must read. Everything from the facial expressions to how they make the obstacles funny, this will not be a waste of your time to read. Even if you dont like the whole teen pregnancy plot line the story is hilarious in it's own way and humor. A three volume series i completly enjoyed :], this is so far my second time reading it.
Oh as for Detective Conan, hehe let's say thats on hold. (Figures, it's so like me lol. But i will get to it....eventually)