Saturday, June 19, 2010

Akkan Baby

4-20 am but i MUST do this review, or else this blogger will crumble. My mom's threatening to cut off my internet at the moment also x.x. Okay Well to start off SUMMER IS HERE!~ after two weeks of excruciating finals and teachers I finally finished school and passed Middle School. (High School Here I Come! T.T). I'm planning to get back into my Otaku phase soon, right now it's only been a week since summer ended. I've been mostly watching the 2010 FIFA, and playing MMO games x.x. WELL to the manga lol!
This manga is absolutely adorable, not to mention idiotic and yet serious at the same time. Teen Pregnancy, it's something that's becoming publicaly awared. It does happen and i do think that we should be exposed to these things, rather than people thinking "Oh if we dont say anything about it, it won't happen" WRONG it will! use this manga as proof. The two main characters Shigeru and Yuki are both 16 year old's in highschool, who are completly innocent to sex, and to make things worse what protection is. They think of sex as a game and see no wrong in it. They just begin to become aware of the seriousness of their problem as Shigeru becomes pregnant and they have to face all the obstacles that stand in their way of having this baby instead of choosing an abortion. That is one reason why i love this manga, it show's how people really should treat a teen pregnancy. Having the baby, the guy not runnning out on the girl i might add, finishing school, and getting married. Truthfully the real world isn't like this and i guess people should learn from this manga example. Well the point is while this story does have it's seriousness, it is utterly hilarious and is a must read. Everything from the facial expressions to how they make the obstacles funny, this will not be a waste of your time to read. Even if you dont like the whole teen pregnancy plot line the story is hilarious in it's own way and humor. A three volume series i completly enjoyed :], this is so far my second time reading it.
Oh as for Detective Conan, hehe let's say thats on hold. (Figures, it's so like me lol. But i will get to it....eventually)

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